Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
va doresc din toata inima o seara cat mai placuta... The Shadowbirds came to your town tonight...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Pumpkin faces in the night
I remember halloween
Dead cats hanging from poles
Little dead are out in groves
I remember halloween
Brown leafed vertigo
Where skeletal life is known
I remember halloween
This day anything goes
Burning bodies hanging from poles
I remember halloween
Halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween
Candy apples and razor blades
Little dead are soon in graves
I remember halloween
This day anything goes
Burning bodies hanging from poles
I remember
Halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween
Halloween, halloween, halloween, halloween

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
3 Ceasuri Rele prezinta:
Ati Edge And The Shadowbirds Romanian Fall Tour:
Nov. 12 - Cluj-Napoca - Remember Pub
Nov. 13 - Timisoara - Q & Q Cafe
Nov. 14 - Resita
Nov. 15 - Bucuresti - Fire Club
Friday, October 16, 2009
The Silver Shine - Angels To Some
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
...The M3t3ors...The Damn M3t3ors...
In sfarsit voi avea ocazia sa-i vad pe scena. Pana acum am pierdut 3 concerte de ale lor, 2 la Budapesta, 1 la Viena...Acum voi merge ceva mai departe... La Cracovia... Ce-i drept mai este putin pana atunci... Daca este cineva interesat sa mearga acolo, sa-mi dea un semn pe emailul 3 ceasuri rele... probabil ca voi mai avea un loc liber in masina... Biletul va costa in jur de 15-20 euro.
Club ROTUNDA (Ul. Oleandry 1)
DE TAZSOS (Warszawa,PL)
NASTY HABITS (San Francisco,USA /Durham,UK/Warszawa)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Brigitte Handley & The Dark Shadows
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Intre timp entuziasmul a scazut datorita unor critici aduse de mine... Nu era cazul sa se ajunga la asemenea dispute, dar nu mai conteaza. Si nici acuzele nu au fost indeajuns de justificate. Asadar iata cum am ramas "on my own", persona nongrata si "lupul cel rau" din nou. :)
Urmeaza textul meu, scris fara vreun talent jurnalistic, doar un text simplu. In continuarea evenimentelor desfasurate in acest text, a mai avut loc concertul celor de la The Jet-Sons. Cam atat...
"Legat de miscarea asta rockabilly/psychobilly din Romania… Totul a inceput in 2007 cand au cantat pt. prima data in Romania The Silver Shine (psychobilly, Budapesta, HU)… Concertul a fost un succes…Un success neasteptat… Asta s-a intamplat la initiativa a 2 oameni care inca se mai ocupau de organizarea UGTM. Eu m-am urnit cu greu sa incep promovarea genului psychobilly, de altfel nu chiar usor de digerat de destul de multi oameni… In special in Romania, unde lucrurile sunt cum sunt.
Apoi a fost prin octombrie 2008 primul turneu de 3 concerte pt. aceeasi formatie The Silver Shine: Timisoara (Gong), Satu-Mare si Bucuresti (Fire Club). De asemenea a fost un success. In aprilie 2009 The Shadowbirds (psychobilly, Budapesta, HU) au cantat la Timisoara (Club Setup) si Cluj (Zvon Pub). Au fost 2 concerte reusite, poate mai mult decat reusite, cert este ca cei din Cluj au fost dati peste cap de o asemenea premiera.
La sfarsit de mai 2009 au urmat americanii de la Al & The Black Cats (Rockabilly/Punk, Michigan, USA) care au lasat f. placut impresionat publicul. Doar 2 concerte in Timisoara (Club Setup) si Bucuresti (Control Club).
Nu se poate vorbi despre o miscare sau cultura rockabilly, cu atat mai putin psychobilly, in Romania… Ar fi destule de spus depsre asta, sunt multe de spus despre cultyra asta in afara granitelor… Exista festivaluri consecrate in Ungaria, Croatia, Cehia, Germania etc. Si de aemenea sunt multi ascultatori. In Ucraina, la Kiev este celebrul Ukrabilly si multe alte evenimete, party-uri retro cu vestimanataie obligatory… Multe concerte si multe trupe.
Eu am incercat promovarea genurilor, dar este greu… A fost web-cam radioul on-line La Gong unde m-am chinuit martea seara… Nu am reusit prea mult… Dar a fost placut. Acum si capitolul asta a luat vacanta… In clipa de fata sunt cam pessimist, dar cine stie ce ne poate adduce viitorul. Am ramas placut impresionat de faptul ca destui tinerei au apreciat concertele… Se asculta genurile astea destul de sporadic… In miscarea punk/hc/Oi! se mai asculta trupe de psychobilly pt. ca de multe ori sunt la pachet la festivaluri si publicul este cat de cat obisnuit.
Din pacate in Romania nu exista nici o trupa care sa cante asa ceva, din acest motiv neavand ce promova la concertele facute pana acum…"
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Va doresc numai bine...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Sa ne auzim sanatosi... Candva...
Sunday, September 27, 2009
e vremea sa ma retrag in mormant... asa cred... voi lasa totul in voia sortii. ce o fi, o fi. chair nu conteaza... toti crapam pana la urma... unii sunt nascuti sa piarda si sa fie ratati... din acea categorie fac si eu parte si uneori cred ca este un privilegiu, asta impiedicamdu-ma sa devin snob si neavand vreo alta posibiliatae decat sa fac ceea ce fac doar din inima... si asta nu conteaza.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Interviu Guana Batz
Iar aici este galerie foto: http://www.libella-gigs.de/index.php?page=pictures
Thursday, September 24, 2009
were now one week into our current European Tour (Fall 2009) and 3 shows into this tour our long time Bass Player, Singer, Friend Eric Soules. decided touring and playing Rock n roll is something he no longer wanted to do. he took a train to Brussels early in the morning after a long night of drinking and caught a plane back to the states, abandoning us, his friends & his band. to deal with this mess on our own.
thats the Bad News.So now after alot of thought and phone calls hears the solution. In a few days Grischa From Demented Are Go will join us on tour Playing Up right Bass and teaching the instrument to our Drummer Hugh. and once Grischa leave to continue touring with DAG our line up will be Tony on Guitar and Vocals, Hugh on Bass and Vocals & long time tour manager and Friend Arno Stumpf picking up the drums. we will continue to play and not let this stop us. its not the first time tragedy has struck this band. and knowing our luck, wont be the last. but hey. Thats Rock N Roll right. in anycase, thats the good news. hope to see you on the tour.
Tony, Hugh, Arno & Grischa
Al & the Black Cats
Sursa: blogs.myspace.com/alandtheblackcatsusa
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Iar cu aceatsa ocazie le transmit celor care au de comentat cum ca nu se intampla nimic: sa-si beleasca pula, sa-si taie coaiele cu lama si sa si le bage pe gat. Si nu, nu sunt furios... absolut deloc. Nu sunt nici furios nici depresiv... Doar ca sunt multi guralivi care se dau mari... Si celor amatori de chestii serioase, va rog mergeti la partyul din 26 sept.... O sa fie cu coaie si nu se va putea compara cu un eveniment live... Va fi mult mai bine acolo... Distractie si dans, muzica buna.... Asadar go party....
Si mai sunt de transmis multumirile celor care m-au sustinut moral si material ca sa reusesc sa duc la capat inca un eveniment.... Si trebuie sa transmit toate cele bune celor din public, celor care inca se mai simt bine la un concert si care incearca pe cat pot sa sustina asemenea evenimente si care, presupun, ca simt cat de cat muzica...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Traiesc o perioada nu prea vesela si nu vad ce rost mai are sa-mi irosesc puterile, si asa pe terminate, cu vorbe in vant si lucruri inutile... Distrati-va oameni buni cu muzica indie si manele.... Vedeti-va de viata voastra... Cele 3 ceasuri rele sunt pe moarte... Haha... Ce chestie faina... Sunt altii, cunoscatori care sa se ocupe de scena rockabilly crescanda...Asadar bafta... Eu la un moment dat voi depune armele.... Bafta tuturor...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Si este destul de clar faptul ca ceea ce vreu eu sa fac nu este compatibil cu cerintele conationalilor... Nu ma plang de faptul ca aici nu prea am avut parte de feed-back, dar asa-zisul feed-back ar fi trebuit sa arate ca sunt oameni interesati.... Nu spun ca nu ma voi mai ocupa de concerte absolut deloc, dar nici sa tot bat campii sub tot felul de pseudonime fara nici un rost nu prea mai are sens... Nu stiu ce sa fac... Sa renunt la spatiul virtual de care nu am suficient timp sa ma ocup, sa incerc un nou suflu... Dar ce mortii masii de suflu sa-i dau, articole ieftine (fara vreo referire :) anume...) sau ce draci sa fac? Lumea vine in numar tot mai mic la evenimente, muzica nu se cumpara, discutii serioase nu se prea poarta... Se da vina pe criza, toti isi au cercurile lor... Isi vad de ale lor... Eu ma chinui aici cu nimic....
E destul de trist ce se intampla, dar nu ma afecteaza atat de mult... Si mai trist este ca lumea nu mai are gusturile acelea formate sanatos, din dorinta adevarata.... Totul se rezuma la chestii prefabricate, lucruri usor digerabile, magarii usor de inghitit si care nu trebuies absolut deloc cernute... Este destul de trist, dar iata ca lucruri inca se mai intampla.... Vor canta The Jet-Sons... Iar cei ce pretind sau chiar sunt interesati de asemenea evenimente nu vor fi acolo si nu este nimic de facut... Este criza, traim in capitalism ieftin si trebuie sa castigam cat putem de bine pt. a supravietui... Si nu suntem in stare sa avem o comunitate serioasa... sa fim uniti cei cativa care simtim la fel... cu toate ca sunt abia o mana nenorocita de oameni... Si suntem departe unii de altii... Este extrem de greu sa te imparti... Familie, evenimente, un album de ascultat, o carte de citit, din cale afara de rar cate un film, cate o bere si cate o discutie singuratica cu vreun prieten ratacit... in cate o seara ratacita...
Iar despre cum as vrea sa fie lucrurile... As vrea concerte si oameni care sa vrea sa se implice cu inima... Oameni care sa simta cu adevarat muzica si care sa vrea sa schimbe ceva... As vrea o comunitate rock'n'roll, nu o incercare timida esuand... As vrea sa existe formatii care sa vrea sa faca parte dintr-o asa comunitate si nu vusez sa vad teddys sau greasers pe strada, nici fete pin-up... As vrea sa vad lume dornica de a merge in gasca la concerte si sa bea acolo o bere, nu sa se refugieze pe terase si sa se dea mari cunoscatori si critici, oameni care sa vrea sa se implice, sa participe sa dea feed-back, sa aiba ceva de spus...
Dar asa ceva nu este posibil... Si asta o spun fara a ma referi doar la ceea ce-mi place... Lucrurile ar trebui sa se schimbe, dar nu prea au cum atata vreme cat oamenii cheie sunt cum sunt, sprijinul este acordat doar celor cunoscuti...
Nu am cum sa promovez rock'n'roll-ul cum trebuie, din pacate...
Astfel as vrea sa-mi aduc contributia, nu sa-i fac pe unii sa se lamenteze si sa ma acuze... :)... Nu ma simt atacat absolut deloc si nu ma dau batut, doar ca simt ca am ajuns sa ma ascund dupa deget... Nu stiu daca este asa sau nu si mai stiu ca nu voi fi mai lamurit in urma celor scrise... Nici de catre mine si nici de catre altcineva...
Friday, August 28, 2009
MJ a murit, nenorocitu.... Let's R'n'R!!!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
as vrea sa pot ignora toata mascarada asta si poate ca voi reusi candva... inainte de a ajunge in mormant... futu-i mortii masii de lume... aka FTW!!!
noroc celor care au bafta sa citeasca asta pt. ca este o "editie limitata"... a fost si a trecut... sau nu...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
si avand in vedere ca s-a incheiat, se pare, in mod tacit, colaborarea cu site-ul rockabilly.ro iarasi nu va mai intere sa pe nimeni ceea ce se petrece aici.
cam atat pentru seara asta...
va doresc numai bine.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Oameni buni, vedeti-va de lungul nasului si faceti ceea ce trebuie sa faceti...
Ma opresc aici ca sa nu mai amintesc si lucruri de nimic...
Monday, August 3, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
As vrea sa intreb pe cei care bantuie ocazional pe aici:
1. Care este diferenta dintre P. Paul Fenech si F. Mercury?
2. Care este asemenarea dintre cei doi mai sus mentionati?
3. Din ce cauza Queen sunt mai pizdosi decat The Meteors? (Hei, aici pot sa va dau un raspuns, pt. ca ei, QUEEN, cantau de fapt rockabilly. Posibil sa fi fost teddy-boys. Imi pare rau ca am ratat momentul...)
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Sa fie cu totii sanatosi si apoi sa se duca dracului. :)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Psihoza sau poate ca nu...
Sunt convins (sau tot mai convins?) de faptul ca oamenii prind tot mai greu "spiritul rock'n'roll" ca sa zic asa... Stiu ca nu am exprim suficient de clar, cum ar fi trebuit, dar mi se rupe... Si asa nu are nici o importanta ce se petrece pe pagian asata si as fi bucuros daca nu ar mai vizita-o nimeni... :) Astfel as deeveni un snob cretin care ar scrie doar pt. el...
Oare de ce tara asta trebuie sa aiba o populatie de tot rahatul? Oare de ce nu am avut puterea de a ma rupe si de a pleca de aici cand am avut ocazai? Sau nu am avut-o? Poate ca trebuie sa astept la infinit momentul in care sa inghit stricnina... Sau naiba stie la ce sa ma mai gandesc...
Caert este ca ma gandesc sa las' dracu' toata treaba si sa las pe cei competenti sa se ocupe, sa ia fraiele si sa faca tot felu' de evenimente pizdoase...
Dracu' stie, poate trece momentu' poate nu, da' ce mai conteaza...
As fi vrut sa cunosc oameni care sa vrea sa faca lucruri mai rock'n'roll... Or fi destui, da' lucreaza cu meseriasi...
Pe bune, ce mai conteaza... Duca-se totu' dracului...
Just a sick boy..
Noapte buna.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Pineda Psychobilly Meeting 2009

The Pineda Psychobilly Meeting (originally held in the adjoining town, Calella) has it's origins in 1992, when a basic and less elaborate form of the festival brought Psychobilly to the Spanish coast for the first time.
Since then the festival has evolved into one of the most important Psychobilly festivals in the world. It is held annually during the last weekend in June and the current location of the main event is on the beach in Pineda de Mar.
The Psychobilly Meeting has turned into a full week's Psychobilly holiday with concerts and parties begining on the Tuesday before the main festival and ending on the following Monday. Aswell as the concerts at the marquee during the weekend, there are also concerts in local clubs, parties and dj's at a bar on the beach, pool parties and other activities. Sun, sangría and Psychobilly... the Pineda Psychobilly Meeting really is a perfect holiday!
This year the Meeting kicked-off on Tuesday, June 23rd with a band at the Beach Bar at night. Spanish band "THE NU-NILES" kicked-off the party in style with their special brand of neo-rockabilly. DJ Psycho Rebel & DJ Sinner a gogo kept the night rocking and DJ Ghostrider 59 and DJ Koefte De Ville had us shaking till the early hours; the atmosphere was unbeatable, the 23rd is a big festival in
On Wednesday, June 24th we enjoyed the performances of NITRO 17 and CAT O NINE TAILS in the venue Magma. DJ Psycho Rebel and DJ Sinner a gogo kept the party going all night long. On Thursday, June 25th we enjoyed a free barbeque at the beach bar and the atmosphere was set by DJ Pepe 7Wheels. That night, also at the Magma, the djing was left in the careful hands of DJ Koefete de Ville. The audience witnessed energetic and bone shaking performances form the vibrant BEAT DEVILS, Spanish old-timers BRIOLES, the classic French band ASTROZOMBIES (bosting one of the most talented base players in Psychobilly) and closing with the ever-gory, ever-rocking "DEMENTED ARE GO".
On Friday we were treated to another free barbeque at the beach bar while DJ Francis knocked-out the tunes.
For Friday 26th, Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th the venue is changed to a large marquee on the beach in Pineda which accommodates a lot more people. Here we can find bars selling food and drink, tables and benches in the open-air, a market selling t-shirts, records, clothes and other merchandise... and of course, a large stage prepared for a 3 day intensive Psychobilly onslaught.
Friday night kicked-off at 21.00 with the superb performance of GRAVEYARD JOHNNY'S. This was there first time at the Meeting, but it I hope it won't be the last. Brandishing a very fresh combination of classic Teddy-boy rockabilly combined with modern influences, folk and punk they had the extremely difficult task of being the fist band to step on the stage and has to deal with poor sound, technical problems on stage and all the problems that come with the responsability of being the 1st band. It would have been great to see them again without the technical problems, hopefully in another edition!!
After these guys it was the turn of REZUREX. Fronted by Daniel de Leon, this LA combo is increasingly popular in
CARAVANS is a band that never lets down an audience, playing a folky-english style of something between Ted and Psychobilly... a great performance ruined by the sound. The same can be said for LONG TALL TEXANS and even for PAUL FENECH. Great performances ruined by the sound problems.
All in all the line-up on Friday was outstanding and the bands gave 110%, but there was no excuse for the sound technician arriving at 2.30 am when it was nearly over. DJ Tommy Drocker and DJ Calamity Man spun the tunes for the rest of the night.
On Saturday 27th DJ Ghostrider 59 played the tunes at the Beach Bar. When the marquee opened on Saturday night the sound technician was there.
There was no comparison for the sound on Friday and Saturday nights: GUITAR SLINGERS took the stage at 21.00 and rocked us to the core with their elaborate combination of 80's style Psychobilly with their own special cocktail of influences ranging from country and punk to English Pub songs.. fantastic!!
A fantastic surprise came next with the spectacular, powerful and agressive performance of Japanese band "BATTLE OF NINJAMANZ"... when the band finished their energetic set the audience was starving for more, insistently asking for encores.
The GO-GETTERS where the next band to take the stage. It was hard to follow an act such as the BATTLE OF NINJAMANZ, and especially for a band that play neo-rockabilly. The GO-GETTERS have a large fan-base in
Next up was ex- KREWMEN singer "MAD DOG COLE". He returned to the scene a couple of years ago bringing us Psychobilly classics in his extremely distinctive voice and style. Although his style mainly appeals to old KREWMEN fans (of which there are plenty) his style and performance has really improved since his return and his show gets the whole audience rocking... whether you're a fan or not.
The band that closed Saturday night (an excellent choice in my opinion) was FRENZY. Frenzy has played on numerous occasions at the Psychobilly Meeting over the years, but never before as a headliner. They deserve this position. FRENZY proved once again that they are truly in a league of their own, The skill, energy and compenetration of the band is a level above any other Psychobilly band. During the song "Clockwork Toy" huge inflatable balls and dolphins were released onto the audience, causing us all to jump up and down even more... and as always, they blew our heads-off with their hit "I SEE RED".
DJ Psycho Rebel and DJ Sinner a gogo took the controls and kept the dance floor full for the rest of the night.
On Sunday 28th we were treated to a pool party at Hotel Paradis with paella and sangría while DJ Tommy Drocker and DJ Calamity Man played the tunes.
The Djing on Sunday night was left to DJ Ghostrider 59. The sudience enjoyed the spooky B-movie style of Spanish band MOTORZOMBIS kicking-off the nights concerts. This was followed by an explosive performance from THE ARKHAMS, a band from the States that's hitting hard this year... and that went down a storm at the Meeting!! Old-timers SURF RATS brought back fond memories to original Psychobillies; P.O.X. gave a powerful performance and RICOCHETS provided another treat for fans of classic old-school Psychobilly.
The 2009 Psychobilly was put to rest with one final party at the Beach Bar on Monday wher the last remaing Psychobillies enjoyed the end of their holiday with a "battle of the DJ's", plenty of cold drinks and the final few hours of sand, sea and sun... until next year!
Another fabulous edition all in all, now we must wait another year for the next one!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Playlistst-uri Rockabilly Psychosis
Nr. 01 - 24.03.2009
01 The Meteors - Rockabilly Psychosis
02 Demented Are Go - Mongoloid
03 Batmobile - transsylvanian express
04 Frantic Flintstones - lost love
05 Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues
06 Klingonz -Too Sentimental
07 Falcons - Sheila
08.Rezurex - Devil Woman from outer Space
09 Godzilla Flip - Immortal Psycho
10 kaes vadius - medo do escuro
11 Torment - Nightmare
12 thee flanders - 51st state
13 Skitzo - Skitzo Mania
14 The Pharaos - Blue Egypt
15 Empress Of Fur - Johnny Voodoo
16 Nekromantix - Demons Are A Girls Best Friend
17 The Marauders - My Revolver
18 Brioles - Wild Lover
19 Horrorpops - Ghouls
20 Guana Batz - Radio Sweetheart
21 ghoultown - killer in texas
22 P. Paul Fenech - Dirty, Crazy, Mean & Nasty
23 The Astro Zombies - Bertha Lou
24 The Charmin' Bastards - Haunted Saturday Night
25 the coffinshakers - black sunday
26 Tazmanian Devils - Killing Kind Of Love
27 Phantom Rockers - Psycho Sick Demon Rockers
28 the peacocks - love song
29 P.O.X. - Voodoo Power - Anti Christ And Devilkick
30 Mystery Gang Rockabilly Trio - Jungle Rock
31 Mad Sin - Speak No Evil
32 The Caravans - whiskey, women & loaded dice
33 The Creepshow - Creatures Of The Night
34 The Farrell Bros. - This Is A Riot
35 STRESSOR - Wolfman
36 The Cramps - Bikini Girls With Machine Guns
37 Tiger Army - Cupid's victim
38 hasil adkins - she said
39 Sick City Daggers - Evil Dead
40 Vulture Club - Zombie Bob
41 Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space - King Of The Cannibals
42 Pfeffer - Chess With The Devil
43 The Reverend Horton Heat - Cowboy Love
44 Zombie Ghost Train - R.I.P.
45 Whiskey Daredevils - Skulls
46 The Coffinshakers - Halloween (Remix)
47 The Cramps - Burn She-Devil, Burn
48 Batmobile - Zombie Riot
49 Stray Cats - Rumble in Brighton
50 Mad Sin - Scarred Ole' Heart
51 12 Step Rebels - Graveyard Rockin'
52 THE SILVER SHINE - Zombies from Outer Space
Nr. 02 - 31.03.2009
01 Brigitte Handley - Rockin' Lady
02 12 Steps Rebels - Rebel Rock
03 Wrecking Dead - wrecking dead psychos
04 A Grande Trepada - Rockabilly Zumbi
05 Banane Metalik - Santa muerta
06 Batmobile - Hellalujah!
07 Beat Devils - Kentucky Girl
08 Black Rose Phantoms - Evil Never Dies
09 nekromantix - ghoulina
10 Os Catalepticos - Closing My Coffin
11 Rob Coffinshaker - Dark End of the Street
12 P.Paul Fenech - Thats Mean Of You Baby
13 mad marge and the stonecutters - dial z. for zombie
14 vulture club - darkling
15 Voodoo Devils - Baby Please Don't Go
16 The Radium Cats - Teenage Werewolf
17 Phantom Cowboys - Voodoo Bunnies
18 Matadors - Walking Dead
19 Stockmen - Bloody Suede Shoes
20 Tiger Army - True romance
21 The Untamed - Beauty Born In Hell
22 three bad jacks - pain in my heart
23 tight fitting pants - porno queen
24 Torment - Psyclops Carnival
25 The Ripmen - Voodoo Woman
26 The Kolt - Ordynarny Twist
27 The Dicemen - Devil Woman
28 Los Gatos Locos - Somebodys Gonna Get Their Head Kicked Tonight (Rezillos)
29 The Meteors - Wreckin' Crew
30 Krash Katalax - The Invasion
31 Krewmen - Scream At The Banshee
32 The Quakes - negative charge
33 the rocketz - razor blades
34 Mike Ness - The Devil In Miss Jones
Nr. 03 - 07.04.2009
01 Graveside Rockers - I'll See You In Hell
02 Beat Devils - Tonight
03 welcome to arkham - frankie dig a hole
04 King Kurt - Alcoholic Rat
05 Capotones - Balada Do Assassino
06 Acid Connection - Killers Crew
07 The Crazed - Zombie Riot
08 Al and The Black Cats - Wild One
09 Astro Zombies - The Lute Number
10 12 Steps Rebels - Hunt of the Unnamed
11 As Diabatz - Necrolove
12 Banane Metalik - Langue de vipere
13 Calamitiez - Pet Sematary
14 Deadbolt - i should have killed you
16 Mad Sin - Point Of No Return
17 Calavera - Dead Love
18 Nekromantix - Gargoyles over Copenhagen
19 The Creepshow - Rock'N'Roll Sweetheart
20 The Cramps - Creature from the Black Leather Lagoon
21 The Meteors - Psycho For Your Love
22 Aleksandr ton i kompaniya - she talks to rainbows
23 Badtones - Suck your Blood
24 Session - Rockin`With My Baby
25 The Coffinshakers - phantoms of the night
26 The Reverend Horton Heat - In Your Wildest Dreams
27 Voodoo Monkeys - Outlaw life
28 rebel rousers - cemetary rock
29 The Pistoleers - Bank Robber
30 Satan's Teardrops - I Got Stripes
31 Deadcats - Zombie hula
Nr. 04 Tribut Joey Ramone - 14.04.2009
01 jim lindberg (pennywise) - blitzkrieg bop
02 Motörhead - R.A.M.O.N.E.S.
03 Ramones - She's The One
04 Kitty & The Manges - Joeys song I wanna
05 Metallica - 53rd and 3rd
06 Rob Zombie - Blitzkrieg Bop
07 josie cotton - sheena is a punk rocker
08 McRackins - Goodbye Joey
09 Ramones - I Wanna Live
10 os catalepticos - psycho theraphy
11 joey_ramone-dont_worry_about_me-venting_(its_a_different_world_today)-ramones.ru
12 Mojo Nixon - Rockaway Beach
13 NoMeansNo - Beat On The Brat
14 Ramones - Life's A Gas
15 Ramones - The KKK Took My Baby Away
16 Anna & The Psychomen - We All Wanted To Be Rocked By The Ramones
17 Ne Luumaet - Siina on Punk Kari
18 P.Paul Fenech - Poison Heart
19 L7 - Suzy Is A Headbanger
20 Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated
21 Rat Fink - My Babys Got A Crush On Joey Ramone
22 Ramones - Pet Sematary
23 Ratos De Porao - Commando (Ramones)
24 Ramones - She Talks To Rainbows
25 Ramonez 77 - Mr. Ramone
26 Joey Ramone - Don't Worry About Me
27 Ramones - Slug (Demo)
28 Rasta Knast - Teenage Lobotomy
29 Fraebbblarnir - Heaven Needed A Lead Singer
30 Ramones - We Want The Airwaves
31 Sex Sex Sex - Punk Rock Pioneer
32 Ramones - I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
33 The Meteors - Somebody Put Something In My Drink
34 Tom Waits - Return Of Jacky And Judy
35 Ramones - Do You Remember Rock 'N' Roll Radio
36 Ramones - Beat On The Brat
37 Ramones - It's A Long Way Back
aleksandr ton i kompaniya - she talks to rainbows
Gabba - Gabba Gabba
Groovie Ghoulies - Pet Sematary
joey ramone - wonderful world
Nr. 05 - 21.04.2009
01 Tazmanian Devils - Killing Kind Of Love
02 Phantom Rockers - Psycho Sick Demon Rockers
03 the peacocks - love song
04 P.O.X. - Voodoo Power - Anti Christ And Devilkick
05 Mystery Gang Rockabilly Trio - Jungle Rock
06 Mad Sin - Speak No Evil
07 The Caravans - whiskey, women & loaded dice
08 The Creepshow - Creatures Of The Night
09 The Farrell Bros. - This Is A Riot
10 STRESSOR - Wolfman
11 The Cramps - Bikini Girls With Machine Guns
12 Tiger Army - Cupid's victim
13 hasil adkins - she said
14 Sick City Daggers - Evil Dead
15 Vulture Club - Zombie Bob
16 Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space - King Of The Cannibals
17 Pfeffer - Chess With The Devil
18 The Reverend Horton Heat - Cowboy Love
19 Zombie Ghost Train - R.I.P.
20 Whiskey Daredevils - Skulls
21 The Coffinshakers - Halloween (Remix)
22 The Cramps - Burn She-Devil, Burn
23 Batmobile - Zombie Riot
24 Stray Cats - Rumble in Brighton
25 Mad Sin - Scarred Ole' Heart
26 12 Step Rebels - Graveyard Rockin'
27 THE SILVER SHINE - Zombies from Outer Space
28 Beat Devils - All Cowboys Go To Hell
29 Dottie & The Wolfpack - Billie Brown
30 Mike Ness - Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
Nr. 06 Psychos VS Horror Punks - 28.04.2009
01 Murderland - Die Screaming
02 Celtix - So Nice To Be Wicked
03 Back To Zero - demon girl
04 Barnyard Ballers - Crazy Bastards
05 blitzkid - hellraiser
06 Blue Demon - Fabulous Bastards
07 Bitchfits - Skulls
08 Cult of the Psychic Fetus - Orgy of the Dead
09 Bathory boys - moonshine massacre
10 Batmobile - Go Satan Go
11 calabrese - blood in my eyes
12 Bloodsucking Zombies From Outer Space - Sweet Little Succubus
13 BALZAC - The Human Blood
14 Rezurex - Dia De Los Muertos
15 Epidemics - At The Graveyard
16 Chibuku - Army of Monsters
17 American Werewolves - For The Cursed
18 The Brains - She My Devil
19 Zombina & The Skeletones - horror highschool
20 The Creepshow - Demon Lover
21 Ghoul Squad - Mara
22 Nekromantix - Murder for Breakfast
23 Misfits - All Hell Breaks Loose
24 The Deep Eynde - She likes skulls
25 As Diabatz - We Ain't No Psychobitches
26 The Memphis Murder Men - Devils Night In The USA
27 Mad Sin - I Shot The Sheriff
28 Grave Robber - Burn, Witch Burn
29 THE CRAMPS - Papa Satan Sang Louie
30 The Crimson Ghosts - Bloodred
31 Demented Are Go - Surf Ride to Oblivion
32 Plan 9 - Blood
33 The Meteors - Devilbone
34 Zumbis do Espaço - Caminhando e Matando
35 The Spookshow - all i want is to poke your eyes out
36 The Other - Beware Of Ghouls
37 Ms. Fits - Death Comes Ripping
38 Devils Brigade - Vampire Girl
39 The Rosedales - Cemetery Sock Hop
Nr. 07 - 05.05.2009
01-the meteors-never stop the hate train
02-the meteors-down and dirty
03-the meteors-another day on fire
04-the meteors-devilbone
05-the meteors-this town
06-the meteors-4 lb hammer
07-the meteors-(they call me) creepy
08-the meteors-if thats thew ay you want it
09-the meteors-the old man down the road
10-the meteors-slice by slice
11-the meteors-pure evil
12-the meteors-surfin home on a dead girl
13-the meteors-psychobilly number 1
01-nekromantix-backstagepass to hell
02-shark soup-frustrations
03-klingonz-im old (but i used to be young)
04-mad sin-rock against ass
05-thee drandom band-the steps of descent
06-cenobites-my mission
07-peacocks-what kids want
08-godless wicked creeps-coward with a gun
09-the lucky devils-oh babe
10-the astro zombies-berthalou
11-os catalepticos-like in a gasoline tank
12-the phantom rockers-brand new cadillac
Nr. 08 - 12.05.2009
01 Wrecking Dead - zombie boy
02 Hellbound Hayride - Dirty Little Devil
03 Os Catalepticos - Gambling With A Demon
04 Spellbound - (You're The) Devil In Disguise
05 The Lost Boys - Hunt You Down
06 Elektraws - Shockrock
07 cadillac bill & the creeping bent-leather pants
08 Hellhound Frenzy - Zombie Queen
09 Jeroen Hammers - T.R.O.U.B.L.E.(Whole Lotta Rosie)
10 The Meteors - Queen of the Wild Wild Wind
11 THE SEWER RATS - My Last Friend
12 The Spinballs - I Want My Baby Back
13 The Cramps - Human Fly
14 The Silver Shine - Angels to Some
15 Thee Merry Widows - Black Widow
16 Arkhams - Bad Luck
17 Banane Metalik - Psychotrash
18 Horrorpops - Psychobitches outta hell
19 The Quakes - Killing Moon
21 The Van Orsdels - Shallow Grave
22 Tiger Army - Incorporeal
23 Sin Alley - I Don't Need You No More
24 Flaming Cocks - Motherfuckers Uber Alles
25 Demented are Go - Hotrod Vampires
26 Frenetic Trio - living dead
27 The Meantraitors - Rocker By Law
28 The Sharks - Side Show Freak
29 three bad jacks - thrill me
30 the meteors - king of the mutilators
Nr. 09 Psychos VS Punks&Skins - 19.05.2009
01 Deadline - Out of luck
02 Brutally Frank - Psycho
03 Duane Peters and the Hunns - Amera Nightmare
04 Bamboula - cannibal
05 Gasolheads - Nowhere To Go
06 Los Creepers - Drive Me Wild
07 Peter Pan Speedrock - Shoot Shoot
08 Calamitiez - Under Your Bed
09 GG Allin - No Rules
10 Mad Sin - Psychotic Night
11 Anti-Nowhere League - Mothers_C!!!
12 Los Difuntos - rise of the deceased
13 Curasbun OI! - Escudo Boys
14 Demented Are Go - Cripple in the Woods
15 Reducers SF - Over the Edge
16 Rezurex - Dia de los muertos
17 Perkele - Moments
18 Mars Attacks - King Of Fools
19 Social Distortion - Reach For The Sky
20 Nekromantix - Graveyard In Your Memory
21 Roger Miret & The Disasters - Give 'Em The Boot
22 The Meteors - F..k off and die
23 Dropkick Murphys - Good Rats
24 Phantom Rockers - Vampire Love
25 discipline - boys will be boys
26 Os Catalépticos - Psychobilly Is All Around
27 The Misfits - Mommy, Can I Go Out & Kill Tonight
28 Calavera - Wolf That Howls
29 Cock SParrer - Riot Squad
30 Cellar Zombies - Bus Of The Dead
31 left alone - done wrong
32 Mad Sin - She's the one
33 flogging molly - screaming at the wailing wall
34 Celtic Bones - Murder In The Trailer Park
35 The Undead - Rock n Roll Whore
36 The Meteors - Get out of my way
37 The Misfits - I Turned Into A Martian
38 brutally frank - corazon del diablo
39 Zumbis Do Espaço - Caminhando e Matando
Nr. 10 - 26.05.2009
01 Black Raven - Ships without Harbour
02 Kitty in a Casket - Moonlight Massacre
03 The Hellcaminos - Sound-House Punks
04 ROSWELL INVADERS - Rockin' Little Baby
05 The Lonesome Killers - Heartbreak Race
06 Lobos Negros - Rock and roll en la ciudad.wma
07 The Klingonz - My Moms Better On Drugs
08 Voodoo Devils - Like a Dream
09 Hellbound Hearse - Rise for the Demon
10 Hell Bound Hearse - Psycho Satanicos
11 Chernobillies - Mortos Vivos Mutantes
12 Hot Rod Hellcats - Baby Baby
13 The Formaldehydes - Lady Death
14 Some Kinda Earthquake - Just When
15 Pilgrims - Katjushka
16 The Cramps - Aloha From Hell
17 The Henchmen - Hypnotized
18 Tight Fitting Pants - (I Wanna Be A) Lesbian
19 Mad Sin - Not Invited
20 Phantom Rockers - Go Psycho Go
21 SwitchBladerZ - Fan
22 The Prison Band - My Baby Is A Hotrod
23 The Spectres - Voodoo Doll
24 Evil Ratz - Demented Romantic Night
25 Hellbilly Club - 21St Century Boy
26 HorrorPops - Baby Lou Tattoo
27 Franklin - Psychobilly Guy
28 The kings Of Nuthin - For You
29 The Meteors - Fuck Like A Beast (fight like an animal)
30 Flaming Pistons - Monsters
31 THE HYPERJAX - Panic Button
32 The Peacocks - Not At Home
33 KLINGONZ - Rockabilly Rebel
34 FARRELL BROS - Breakin' Out Of Here
35 Tiger Army - Ghosts Of Memory
36 Zombification - Cemetery girl
37 Lords of the Highway - Rock 'n' Roll Bitch
38 Zombie Ghost Train - Monster Rock N' Roll
Nr. 11 - 02.06.2009
01 Kitty in a casket - horror express
02 Kitty in a casket - bride of the monster
03 Kitty in a casket - moonlight massacre
04 Kitty in a casket - my cannibal paradise
05 The Monster Klub - Trapped in the City
06 The Monster Klub - Ghost Ship
07 The Monster Klub - Bad Rock
08 The Monster Klub - Transsylvanian Hospital
09 Acting Apes - Bad Karma
10 Acting Apes - Dumbass
11 Acting Apes - Please Don't Kill Me Now
12 Acting Apes - Kiss Of A Vampire
13 Al & The Black Cats - 300 Miles
14 Al & The Black Cats - Better Off Dead
15 Al & The Black Cats - Number's Up
16 Al & The Black Cats - Take Um As They Come
17 Sin Alley - Red Hot Texan
18 Sin Alley - I Don't Need You No More
19 Sin Alley - Frantic Franky
20 Animatorz - Bloody Smile
21 Animatorz - Dirty Old Town
22 Atomics - What I Want
23 Atomics - Brother Brother
24 Atomics - Lady Luck
25 Bad Dooleys - Deathman
26 Bad Dooleys - Dream Love
27 Bad Dooleys - Come On
28 Bad Dooleys - Wild, Wild Women
29 Bad Dooleys - Lord Of The Fear
30 Badtones - Straight To Shadowland
31 Badtones - Vampire Glance
32 Badtones - Strangers From Outer Space
33 Badtones - Pirates
Cult Of The Psychic Fetus - She Devil
Miguel and the Living Dead - Aliens Wear Sunglasses
Peter Pan Speedrock - Dynamite
The Meteors - Voodoo Rhythm
Nr. 12 - 23.06.2009
01 Billie Jo Spears - Get Behind Me Satan And Push
02 Bonsai Kitten - Don't You Get Too Drunk To Fuck
03 Bob & Lucille - Eeny-Meeny-Miney-Moe
04 Brigitte Handley - Sleeping (with a) vampire
05 Kitty in a casket - my cannibal paradise
06 Ruby Ann - Train To Satanville
07 As Diabatz - Woman In White
08 Hellcat and the Prowl - Grave Mistake
09 Kim Lenz And Her Jaguars - Howl At The Moon
10 Sparkle Moore With Dan Bellac & His Orchestra - Skull & Crossbones
11 The Creepshow - Creatures Of The Night
12 Mad Marge and the Stone Cutters - Shake
13 Marti Brom - Voodoo Voodoo
14 Rosekill - Rollin
15 Horrorpops - Psychobitches Outta Hell
16 Josie Kreuzer - My Sin (Mi Pecado)
17 Thee Merry Widows - Aileen
18 Flesh - last breath
19 Horrorpops - Ghouls
20 Sparkle Moore - Tiger
21 The Creepshow - Rue Morgue Radio
22 Devil Doll - Doreen
23 VOODOO ZOMBIE - El Twist De La Pin-Up Zombie
24 Miss Treatment - Cursed
25 Mad Marge And the Stonecutters - Issues
26 Flesh - Angeline
27 Thee Merry Widows - Holy Hack Jack
28 Hellcat and the Prowl - Betty Bones
29 Rosekill - My Bloody Valentine
30 Devil Doll - You Are The Best Thing And The Worst Thing
31 Flesh - Learning how to live
32 Horrorpops - Walk Like A Zombie
Nr. 13 - 30.06.2009 (nedifuzat)
01 ACDC - Rocker
02 Rotten Horror - We Are Rotten Boys
03 Sick Sick Sinners - Road Of Sin
04 Social Distortion - Bad Luck
05 The Meteors - Surfin` On The Planet Zorch
06 The Heartaches - Lunacy & Devastation
07 Horropops - Missfit
08 The Dead Next Door - Graveyard Lover
09 Turbonegra - Denim Demon
10 Demented Are Go - Surf Ride to Oblivion
11 Mitch & Mitch - 20 Eyes
12 The Heartburns - Bad Guys Won Again
13 The Dickies - The Sound of Silence
14 The Oppressed - The A.F.A. Song
15 The Rock-It Dogs - Living Dead Girl
16 Anti-Nowhere League - Kings & Queens
17 Blood For Blood - Some Kind Of Hate
18 Calamitiez - I Don't Need You
19 Die Monster Die - 1000 Corpses
20 The Bones - She Hates Me (yeah yeah yeah)
21 The Silver Shine - Burning Eyes
22 The Undead - Be My Ghoul
23 The Peacocks - Gimme More
24 P.Paul Fenech - This Fuckin World (Aint Big Enuf)
25 Blitzkid - Lupen Tooth
26 The Analogs - Nasz Rock'n'Roll
27 Shadowbirds - I'm the wolfman
28 The Heroines - Bastards Never Die
29 The Legendary Raw Deal - Thirteen
Friday, July 3, 2009
asadar nu mai sunt singur pe net... va rog sa faceti o vizita pe acolo si sa va dati cu parerea...
este un inceput promitator si sper sa aiba viata lunga...
incep lucrurile sa se miste... ne asteapta o natiune rock'n'roll... :))
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Si aruncati aici o privire la megahit-ul asta:
Monday, June 15, 2009
Deschiderea a fost facuta de Durango Riot (SWE), punk-stoner, niste tinerei care pot sa dea lectii multor, de fapt majoritatii trupelor de pe plaiurile noastre... Left Alone, amuzanti, cu un " Rancid touch"... Si ei au sunt foarte bine... Punk-rock melodic ce te bine dispune...
Vineri au cantat The Silver Shine... Au cantat bine, dar am fost mult prea obosit pt. a putea aprecia cum trebuie sau mai bine zis pt. a putea rezona la atmosfera din sala...
Astazi am avut o zi destul de grea... Daca tot am avut parte de lucruri bune zilele trecute...
Si in curand ma duc sa dorm... Asadar, dragi cititori va doresc o noapte placuta...
Monday, June 8, 2009
E greu cand te ajunge stresul din urma, cand te saturi de lume, cand nu poti sa faci destule, cand nu sunt bani sa faci lucruri ce ar trebui facute... Este frustrant, dar le depasesc...
Aveam in cap o gramada de lucruri pe care sa le scriu, dar fiinca mi-am intrerupt gandurile, am uitat si gata. S-au dus naibii toate tampeniile pe care voiam sa le astern aici.
Imi pare faorte pentru ca voi fi sinur la conceret, nu va mai fi nimeni cu mine care sa-mi impartaseasca bucuria... Iar Social D este o trupa serioasa... Cred... Sau cine stie, or fi multe alte trupe tinere mult mai bune, dar eu am ramas blocat in timp... :). Ma cam indoiesc de asta, dar cert ese ca nu va fi nimeni cu care sa ma bucur de o asemenea intamplare...
Macar imi voi lua portia de nostalgie, de energie, de tristete si regrete... Si in adancul sufletuui sper sa fie frumos... SD a ramas singura posibilitate de a-mi mai vedea unii dintre"idoli" pe scena... :)
Si este o ocazie nesperata, care inseamna enorm de mult pt. mine....
In rest, sa vina lume vineri, la concert... Si sa-mi treaca lehamitea, cu toate ca nu cred sa se intample in graba...
Dar las astea la o parte si ma gandesc din nou la SD. Nu-mi fac vise, doar sper... sper sa fie cum imi doresc...
Va doresc o noapte frumoasa...
Monday, May 11, 2009
Subculture Festival
Here you can find all important informations:
DATE: from friday 14. to sunday 16.8.2009
PLACE: Airport of aeroclub Tábor - Loc: 49°23'39.246"N, 14°42'10.27"E
550 CZK till 16.5.2009
580 CZK till 13.8.2009
Confirmed bands for now:
* BAD MANNERS (UK) - Ultimate Ska Legend
* THE CREEPSHOW (CAN) - Psychobilly stars from Montreal
* PERKELE (SWE) - Do you know better Oi!music than Perkele? No!
* SKARFACE (FR) - Skaaaarfacee Paris!
* THE RABBLE (NZ) - new punkrock sensation from New Zealand
* SILVER SHINE (HU) - Budapest Psychobilly
* The Vendetta (IT)
* KITTY IN A CASKET (AU) - Kitty and Rockabilly band from Vienna
* FIGHTBALL (DE) - melodic streetpunk from Germany
* Secret Army (ESP)
* WIENS no.1 (AU) - Vienna patriots and no.1 punkrock
* PLEXIS (CZ) - Legendary Czech punkrock band!
* THUNDERBIRDS (CZ) punk/rocknroll Prague
* APPLE JUICE (CZ) - punkrock
* N.V.Ú. (CZ) - old punks never die!
* RATTLE BUCKET (CZ) - hardcore/crossover
* TOTÁLNÍ NASAZENÍ (CZ) - melodic punkrock
* THE FIALKY (CZ) - punk 77 in best style
* PIPES AND PINTS (CZ) - skatepunk with pipes! Voice of ex-Mugshot
* NO HEROES(CZ) - Indierock
* PUNK FLOID (CZ) - Punkrock roll on
* ZAKÁZANÝ OVOCE (CZ) - melodic czech punkrockers
* V.A.S. (CZ)
* Spank (CZ)
E mare pacat sa se piarda un asemenea eveniment....