Saturday, February 28, 2009

Interviu Ati Edge AndThe Shadowbirds

1.In the beginnig, please introduce the members of the band.

Ati: Shadowbirds are a three piece band right now. Cherry Chainsaw plays doublebass,
Driller - stand-up-drums and me, Ati EDGE on guitar and vocals.

2.Could you tell me in a few words the history of the band?

Ati: We started the band in February of 2007 as a side project of some members of The Silver Shine.
Our first MCD came out last year on Crazy Love Records in Germany. We played some shows after the record and now we just decided we will continue the band as ATI EDGE AND THE SHADOWBIRDS in the future, so it will be a solo project.
Our good friend of ours called "Ivan the Great" will join us on some shows as second guitarist and Sick Wolfman will hit the drums as guest sometimes on the stage. We will record our first full-length album in the next weeks.

3.Which are the infuences for The Shadowbirds? Bands, musicians or other thing...

Ati: Our main influences are the old horror movies from the 50's and 60's... Drakula, Monster of Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein,
The Creature from the Black Lagoon and of course the "new school" movies like Friday 13th, Leatherface, Nightmare on Elm Street, etc.
Musically we like the 50's horror rockabilly, some good 60's garage stuff and 80's psychobilly like Demented Are Go, Meteors,
The Monsters, etc. Personally I'm fan of Tom Waits, Reverend Beatman, Dead Elvis...

4.What about the psychobilly scene in Hungary? Are there many bands? And the public?

Ati: There are a couple of psychobilly bands here in Hungary. Gorilla is just back and hope they will be active later this year.
There's Voodoo Allen who plays old style psychobilly by Hungarian language. Yellow Spots who are mixing swing with psycho...... and of course my main band... called The Silver Shine. I can say the scene is growing in Hungary. We are booking a couple of bands
from the abroad also and I can say there's more interests ately.

5.Could you name a few bands that you enjoyed to play with?

Ati: Lee Rocker (USA), Dead Elvis (NL), Stressor (RU), Koffin Kats (USA), The Quakes (USA), etc.
These are just the biggest names but we enjoyed all the shows with all the bands that we played.

6.If I remember correctly you played at a festival in Kiev, Ukraine. Will you tell me a few words about it?

Ati: Yeah, that was a damn great festival! It was the first time when the band flew first time. There were a lot of people and enjoyed the festival so much. We met with real nice guys and bands. I was really happy to play together on one stage with Stressor there.

7. Tell me please about other shows that you had and will have.

Ati: Huhhh.... The best ones in Kijev at Ukrabilly Bang Festival as I said, in Germany at Psychomania Rumble No.2..... it was a three days psychobilly party with the biggest names from the scene, in Augsburg with Dead Elvis, in Vienna with Lee Rocker, in Poland with The Jet-Sons, in Prague at Moonlight mayhem Festival and some shows in Hungary as support Koffin Kats, The Quakes, etc. Our European tour is booked and we will play some shows in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain and probably Czech Rep. in March..... we will support Phantom Rockers in Bremen, 25 Ta Life in Montpellier, etc.
Well, on the other hand we joined to a Hungarian booking agency named Zombie 11. They are doing right and really enthusiastic.
Not a typical psycho booking agency but I guess the best choice for us. We are the first psychobilly band on this agency together with The Silver Shine besides some great punk and metal bands so we hope Shadowbirds will reach some really great places in Hungary and
all over the world this way.

8. Not long ago Silver Shine were in town, and now you're next. WHat do you know about the scene here?

Ati: Yeah, I played in Romania with The Silver Shine a couple of times... Twice in Timisoara, once in Bucharest and once in Satu Mare.
We've got very good time there. We enjoyed Romania a lot and we are really glad to come back with my solo project now.
You haven't got psychobilly scene exactly, only a few kids like psychobilly and try to spread the disease. It's absolutely normal thing.
The psychobilly was nearly dead in Hungary after the first wave but the building started some years ago and now you can meet more psychos also on shows. By the way your building started also and I'm sure you will have some bands in the future and more international bands will tour over there also. That's great that your punk and hardcore scene is opened in Romania and
it's very important that they can support another underground styles also. But we will see it soon.....! :-)

9. What is the band that you would agree to play with without hesitating?

Ati: Motorhead

10. What are the 3 things you would take with you to a deserted island?

Ati: A drumkit, a double bass and a guitar.... and we would definitely have a great time there:-)

11. Thank you for the interview and hope to see you soon!

We would like to say thank you very much for the interview, Casian! See you soon in Romania!!!!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Azi dimineata a fost unul din putinele momente in care ma uit la televizor... Asa s-a nimerit... Si am vazut, pe MTV, Billy Idol - Cradle of Love... Asta m-a facut sa-mi amintesc anii aceia de la inceputul liberatii noastre cand tanjeam dupa un strop de ceva.... Gagicuta aceia din clip, pisicuta aia balnda care zgrie rau, m-a facut sa ma gandesc la anii in care daca iti placea Billy Idol erai "alfel"... Mama, ce mai vremuri... Era fain Idol pe vremea aia... Era ceva diferit la TV... :) Alte vremuri, alte ganduri... Vremuri in care nu stiam ca exista Bacardi, nu auzisem de Sabato sau Vian, nu aveam habar de The Meteors, Demented Are Go, Patsy Cline sau Johnny Cash... Nu aveam habar cum va fi in 2009 sau ca voi avea 2 copilasi...
Erau vremuri mai inocente, pline de naivitate si sperante false. Dar a fost frumos...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Concert Ati Edge And the Shadowbirds

Exact dupa cum spune afisul:

3 Ceasuri Rele cu sprijinul Magic Art Tattoo ( prezinta

Vineri 6 Martie ora 22 @ Club SETUP:

Ati Edge And The Shadowbirds (Psychobilly, Budapesta, HU)
HAOS (Punk, TM)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ma uitam peste DVD - ul Give Em The Boot... Si am realizat a nu stiu cata oara cate lucruri pierdem... Atat de multe chestii faine se petrec prin lume, iar noi suntem aici, prinsi, legati, fara prea multe sanse, fara prea multe sperante... Suntem cei care trebuie sa se multumeasca cu putin, cei care apreciaza fiece farama de sunet, cei care inghitim pe nerasuflate lucruri, care supraestmam orice lucru... Trist, dar asta pare a fi soarta noastra... Probabil ca daca dintr-o data am avea prea mult, nu am mai aprecia la justa valoare, dupa cat am indurat... Naiba stie, gandurile imi zboara prin minte, nu apuc sa le scriu pe toate... Nu pot sa exprim cee ce simt... Sunt sigur ca nu ma pot face inteles asa cum ar trebui... Suntem atat de inversunati incat nu ne-am putea bucura de multe lucruri... Sunt atat de inversunat incat voi ramane un nemultumit petru totdeauna... Si cu o lehamite, cu un mare dezgust in suflet... Poate ca pentru asta ne-am nascut si trebuie sa traim astfel... Cine stie... posibil sa nu aflam vreun rapuns niciodata...

Asadar, cu bine dragi cititori care ajungeti accidental pe pagina asta...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

02-24-2009 20:00
@Porto Arte
Pavilionul 32 +

Monday, February 16, 2009

Flesh - Death Is My Lover

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Vineri 13

Fiindca maine este VINERI 13, ziua plina de ghinion, ziua pisicilor negre, a dracilor, moroilor, ziua cea mai a dracului, cea mai neagra si data naibii, ziua de care ii este frica intregii omeniri (haha) si fiindca probabil ca de frica nu voi scrie nimic, va fac un mic cadou... O fata frumoasa, in ton cu sarbatoarea de maine:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ma uitam pe un site... Nu stiu cat conteaza numele... In fine. Chestia este ca oriunde gasesc un lucru putin altfel, nu corespunde cu ceea ce imi place, cu ceea ce imi doresc... Nu este destul de simplu pt. mine. Totul trebuie sa fie complicat, pompos... cu comentarii idioate... Unde este simplul si sincerul spirit rock'n'roll? muzica trebuie sa fie cu pretentii? De fapt mai bine ma opresc din comentat, ce rost are sa tot judesc si sa comentez? Probabil ca niciodata nu voi gasi aici ceea ce imi doresc...
Chestia-i ca sunt satul pana peste cap de idiotenii si comentarii voit sau nu ignorante sau socante... Mi se face greata... Sa-i fut in gat pe toti... Pe toti... Ca sunt satul de ei: rockeri, progresisti, cunoscatori ,artisti , excitati, entuziasti, pizdosi, meseriasi, coiosi, muzicieni, elitisti, politicieni, militieni si multi, multi, multi altii... Ca m-am saturat sa tot enumar. Sa-i fut pana se dilueaza si dispar... Sa se dilueze alchimic futu-i in gura... Afunda-se toti in intunecimile cele mai negre si sa nu mai iasa de acolo in vecii vecilor...

Noapte buna.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dead Cat Night IV

14 Martie 2009, Budapesta

Dead Cat Night IV

Thursday, February 5, 2009

...Bikini Girls With Machine-Guns...

Astazi am aflat, pe la ora 12, ca s-a stins si Lux Interior, geniul dement din The Cramps... Mi-am zis, s-a mai dus unul.... E nasol, aiurea.... Inca un suflet, o viata dedicata rock'n'roll-ului ne-a parasit.
Cineva care a lasat in urma muzica ce m-a facut si ma face sa ma simt bine a murit... Joey, Joe acum Lux si multi altii inainte...
Asta este cursul... Si noua ne vine randul, numai ca noi nu vom lasa in urma mai nimic care sa-i faca pe multi sa se simta bine...
Acum nu mai stiu ce sa scriu...
Lux... Sa te resemnezi...