Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Cam asta am de prezentat deocamdata... Nu prea am chef sa scriu... Urmeaza o noapte de anul in fata monitorului, eventual cu castile pe urechi si ceva de baut pe masa... Si in plus sunt nelinistit din cauza viitorului... Nu stiu de ce, dar ma simt nelinistit... Probabil presimt Apocalipsa... ;)
Celor care vor citi aceste randuri le doresc noapte buna....
Saturday, December 27, 2008
La sfarsit de an....
Nu scriu nici lucruri interesante... Nu am cu cine schimba o vorba... Dar incerc sa ma bucur de lucruri simple... Sper... Ma bucur pentru vor veni Motorhead la noi... Ma gandesc la viitor, la ce va aduce... Si ma gandesc la faptul ca sunt foarte putini cei care sunt prieteni...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sper sa mai gasim pe undeva nenorocita aia de papusa... Si sa nu fie micuta mea dezamagita...
Si cu ocazia asta imi fac drum catre o draguta de depresie, ca sa fie totul frumos, asa cum trebuie in aceasta minunata perioada a sfarsitului de an... Oricum astazi urez tuturor "Vremuri sinistre" si tot ce isi doresc, cat mai sinistru si intunecat, morbid si tenebros... Daca isi doresc cumva oite roz, sa si le futa cu cat mai mult drag... Si sa le traga de blanita aia carliontata in timp ce le penetreaza duios...
Iar politicienilor romani le doresc sa-si bage in cur dinamita, sa inghita nitroglicerina, sa-si taie scula si sa si-o vare in gat... Sa-si zboare creierii cat mai dragalas posibil...
Si da, sufar de o teribila "colindofobie"... Imi vine sa ma urc pe pereti cand aud toate aberatiile alea de colinde super prelucrate si atat de bine cantate incat iti vine sa-ti versi matele...
Si sunt satul de toata lumea... De toata graba asta aiurea... Si e greu sa nu intri in rezonanata cu tot ce se intampla... Asa ca am devenit si eu un grabit fara rabdare si care injura aproape in continuu... Nu stiu ce e de facut... Probabil sunt unul din multii care sufera din aceasta cauza...
Dar nu este nimic de facut...
Ok... Deocamdata mi-am pototlit focul ce ma arde... Sa vedem cum o fi ziua de maine... Daca nu, astept pe Mosu' sa-mi aduca darul... Sa pot juca ruleta ruseasca... Si cu putin noroc... bang... Al paispelea "nene mort" cum zice Briosa... Adio psihopatule... Ti-a sosit ceasu'....
Asa ca... sterg blogu', astept cadou'... caftesc Mosu'.... gonesc renii... si imi las creierii sa-si ia zboru' liberi...
Frumos scenariu... Pacat ca nu se poate realiza... ;)
Noapte buna! Bang....
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Johnny Cash - Thirteen
I was born to bring trouble to wherever I'm at
Got the number 13 tattooed on my neck
When the ink starts to itch
Then the black will turn to red
I was born in the soul of misery
Never had me a name
They just gave me the number when I was young
Gonna find me a preacherman confessin' all I've done
Or you can catch me with the devil playing 21
Bad luck wind been blowin' at my back
I pray you don't look at me
I pray I don't look back
I was born in the soul of misery
Never had me a name
They just gave me the number when I was young
Got a long line of hearthache
I carry it well
The list of lives I've broken
Reach from here to hell
Bad luck wind been blowin' at my back
I was born to bring trouble to wherever I'm at
I was born in the soul of misery
Never had me a name
They just gave me the number when I was young
I was born in the soul of misery
Never had me a name
They just gave me the number when I was young
They just gave me the number when I was young
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Psychobilly session...
The M3t3ors - Go Buddy Go
The Meteors - Little Red Riding Hood
Demented Are Go - Holy Hack Jack
Demented Are Go - Blood
FRENZY Just Passing Through
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Marky Ramone (fostul tobosar Ramones ) va concerta la Casa de Cultura a Studentilor `Grigore Preoteasa` din Bucuresti pe data de 4 decembrie 2008.
Spectacolul este un tribut adus grupului Ramones si va incepe la ora 20.00.
Marky Ramone vine la Bucuresti insotit de Michale Graves (ex-MISFITS) - voce, Alex Kane (AntiProduct) - chitara si Clare (AntiProduct) – bass.
In deschidere va canta formatia romaneasca Pistol cu Capse.
O veste imbucuratoare... O veste mai mult decat buna... Fie si daca ne viziteaza oportunistul de Marky, care scoate exterem de multi bani frumosi de pe urma RAMONES. E amai bine asa...
As fi dat mult sa ajung, dar din pacate chiar nu pot... Ma consolez cu faptul ca l-am vazut cu Jerry Only si Dez Cadena la Belegrad in 2003.
Cu toate acestea, sper din suflet sa mearga toti cei carora le-a ramas RAMONES in suflet pentru totdeauna. Si sa fie prezenti cat mai putin dintre poseuri si snobi...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Los Difuntos - Born and raised in east L.A.
1. Rise Of The Deceased
2. Lucy
3. Story Of Leons Downfall
4. Now I'm Gone
5. You Don't Know Me
6. Dirge
7. Poseur Josh
8. Memories
9. Shining
10. Lies In Disguise
11. Born, Raised, Passed Away (In East L.A.)
Primul album al trupei americane Los Difuntos, psychobilly, punkabilly... Un album melodic, plin de forta... O muzica ce te face sa te simti bine atunci cand o asculti...
Nu am cuvinte pretentioase... Nu este ceva pe care sa-l lauzi din cale afara... Doar muzica ce poate sa iti placa sau nu... Eu unul ma vad ascultand si peste 10-20 de ani un asemenea album...
Simplu si sincer... Asa cum ar trebui sa fie majoritatea lucrurilor... Sa te faca sa simti ceva...
Am niste insomnii teribile... Sunt cu mintea praf si pulbere... Nu ajuta pe nimeni ca scriu lucrurile astea... Dar, ma rog, sa fie scris ceva aici...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Peacocks - Gimme More
...and Psycho13 said...FUCK THE WORLD...
Mirceone sa continui cu pozele minunate...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
John Leyton - Johnny Remember Me
Johnny Remember Me - John Leyton
When the mist's a-rising
And the rain is falling
And the wind is blowing cold across the moor
I hear the voice of my darlin'
The girl I loved and lost a year ago
Johnny remember me
Well it's hard to believe I know
But I hear her singing in the sighing of the wind
Blowin' in the tree tops way above me
Johnny remember me
Yes I'll always remember
Till the day I die
I'll hear her cry
Johnny remember me
Well some day I guess
I'll find myself another little girl
To take the place of my true love
But as long as I live I know
I'll hear her singing in the sighing of the wind
Blowin' in the tree tops way above me
Johnny remember me
Yes I'll always remember
Till the day I die
I'll hear her cry
Johnny remember me
Johnny remember me
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Cock Sparrer - Where are they now?
I believed in julie when she said how easy it could be
And I believed in Tommy and his written words of anarchy
And I believed in Joe when he said we had to fight
And I believed in Jimmy when he told us to unite
Where are they now
Where are they now
Where are they, six years on and they've all gone
Now it's all turned sour
Where are they now
Hollywood nights in Soho
Writing on the wall of The Roxy loo
Rotten on the telly
Showing what a few choice words can do
Was it ever worth it
Causing all the fuss
You know, I believed in them
Don't you believe in us
No more kids are innocent
We will get fooled again
Only faces ever change
The song remains the same
Was it ever worth it
Causing all the fuss
You know, I believed in them
Don't you believe in us
Where are they know....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunt putin melancolic si imi amintesc de copilarie si de strabunica mea atunci cand imi fac ceai de sovarf... Un lucru foarte de placut... Ceaiul de sovarf... Il recomand cu caldura bautorilor de ceai... Imi doresc un pumnal... Ca atunci cand ma voi hotara sa devin criminal in serie sa nu mai fie nevoie sa ma decid asupra metodei... :))
Si acum gata... Mi-am baut ceaiul de menta cu lamaie si miere... M-am calmat cat de cat... Chiar daca nu ma simt grozav... Tot sunt mai bine decat in cursul zilei...
Horror, sweet horror...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Nu are nici un pic de importanta pentru cei care ajung sa citeasca accidental randurile acestea, dar sunt lucruri pe care simteam nevoia sa le imparatasesc...
Asadar, castanele fierte sunt una dintre putinele bucurii aduse de toamna si in curand trece si vremea lor...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Dead Cat Night III
Nu am suficiente cuvinte sa descriu atmosfera incendiara... Un public ce ar fi trebuit sa fie mult mai numeros la un asemenea eveniment a fost primitor si multumit de prestatia artistilor... Excelent...
Cam atat pot sa spun... Un concert minunat...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Nu sunt niste cuvinte spectculoase, ci doar niste sincere multumiri...
Cam atat am reusit sa adun...
In curand poate voi incepe munca la un nou blog, nu ca la asta as munci foarte mult....
Acum ma retrag sa savurez un pic de doo-wop... Apoi voi incerca sa ma odihnesc... Sunt total devastat... psihic... Si daca nu ma doboara oboseala ma infectez cu putin Cortazar...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
....si intr-un final, concertul.....
Nu am prins ThrashFest-ul de la inceput deoarece a trebuit sa astept trupa, sa-i ajut cu sculele, drumul... etc.... Toate trupele au sunat bine, chiar daca nu imi plac genurile crust sau thrashcore...
Show-ul The Silver Shine a ost incendiar, cu doua biss-uri... Tuturor le-a placut... Mai ales ca psychobilly nu e atat de popular prin scumpa noatra tarisoara...
Satu Mare, Sambata, 11.10.2008
Concertul a iesit bine... Surpriza cea mai mare: public format din copii de 15-17 ani... Incredibil, dar au fost vreo suta... Pe cei peste 20 de ani as fi putut sa-i numar pe degetele de la 2 maini...
Bucuresti, Duminica, 12.10.2008
Cel de-al doilea concert incendiar... S-a vazut cat de bine a prins la public... Toti erau entuziasmati... Pacat ca nu au putut ajunge acolo 2 buni prieteni de-ai mei... A fost excelent... Poate vom mai ajunge prin Fire si altadata...
Cam atat pot scrie deocamdata.... Cand ma voi simti in stare, voi continua...
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Dar ce dracu' sa fac... Trece... Sau dupa cum zice fata mea.... "Teceeee tati..."
Va doresc o noapte placuta si sa ne vedem la concertele the Silver Shine.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Joe Strummer.....
acum ceva timp am reusit si noi sa vedem "The Future Is Unwritten"....
poate sunt doar melancolic....
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The Wonderful Music Of Bessie Smith.....
Am decis sa caut niste date depre ea....
Iata ce am gasit la repezeala:
Bessie Smith was a rough, crude, violent woman. She was also the greatest of the classic Blues singers of the 1920s. Bessie started out as a street musician in Chattanooga. In 1912 Bessie joined a traveling show as a dancer and singer. The show featured Pa and Ma Rainey, and Smith developed a friendship with Ma. Ma Rainey was Bessie's mentor and she stayed with her show until 1915. Bessie then joined the T.O.B.A. vaudeville circuit and gradually built up her own following in the south and along the eastern seaboard. By the early 1920s she was one of the most popular Blues singers in vaudeville. In 1923 she made her recording debut on Columbia, accompanied by pianist Clarence Williams. They recorded "Gulf Coast Blues" and "Down Hearted Blues." The record sold more than 750,000 copies that same year, rivaling the success of Blues singer Mamie Smith (no relation). Throughout the 1920s Smith recorded with many of the great Jazz musicians of that era, including Fletcher Henderson, James P. Johnson, Coleman Hawkins, Don Redman and Louis Armstrong. Her rendition of "St. Louis Blues" with Armstrong is considered by most critics to be one of finest recordings of the 1920s. Bessie Smith was one of the biggest African-American stars of the 1920s and was popular with both Whites and African-Americans, but by 1931 the Classic Blues style of Bessie Smith was out of style and the Depression, radio, and sound movies had all damaged the record companies' ability to sell records so Columbia dropped Smith from its roster. In 1933 she recorded for the last time under the direction of John Hammond for Okeh. The session was released under the name of Bessie Smith accompanied by Buck and his Band. Despite having no record company Smith was still very popular in the South and continued to draw large crowds, although the money was not nearly as good as it had been in the 1920s. Bessie had started to style herself as a Swing musician and was on the verge of a comeback when her life was tragically cut short by an automobile accident in 1937. While driving with her lover Richard Morgan (Lionel Hampton's uncle) in Mississippi their car rear-ended a slow moving truck and rolled over crushing Smith's left arm and ribs. Smith bled to death by the time she reached the hospital. John Hammond caused quite a stir by writing an article in Downbeat magazine suggesting that Smith had bled to death because she had been taken to a White hospital and had been turned away. This proved not to be true, but the rumor persists to this day.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
trag adanc aer in piept.... si.... va urez noapte buna.
Imi amintesc de concertul Rezurex. Pacat ca nu au cantat si "Rerzurekt me"... Imi place atat de mult piesa... Si nu am auzit-o live.
Ok, noapte buna.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Vineri 10 Octombrie 2008 Timisoara: ThrashFest
Invitati speciali:
The Silver Shine (Psychobilly, HU)
Sambata 11 Ocotmbrie 2008 Satu Mare @ Pub Downtown
The Silver Shine (Psychobilly, HU)
Stereotype! (HC Punk)
Duminica 12 Octombrie 2008 Bucuresti @ Fire Club:
The Silver Shine (Psychobilly, HU)
Recycle Bin (Punk-Rock)
Fingering Joanna (Punk-Rock)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Radio Psycho.....
Well, this is radio psycho
It picks you up when you are low
For a little horror show
If you're ready to explode
Here comes radio psycho
Won't make the headlines of the news
And we're surely quite amused that you all know our name
Built a dusk till dawn existence, attackin' from the distance
With anti-hero fame
Yuppie scum on channel1 religious cults will all be gone
Pirate airwave bombs!!!!!!
Life can be a heavy load on the wrong side of the road
Put the station back on track
Come on put on your sindicator, nihilistic navigator
For salvation from the crap hiding in the dark,
Behind the shadows in the fog
Pirate airwave bombs!
Hiding in the dark behind the shadows in the fog
Pirate airwave bombs
Hey, this one goes out to the international sindicate, the east and west side psychos, the berlin city rockers, the dead kings, the rockin' wildcats, p.o.r.k.s worldwide, the kling klown klan, the demon ted, zombillys, los bastardos (Rotterdam), the rockin bastards, demon crew, psyclops, mavericks, Tokyo wreckin crew, zombie wreckin crew, and the devil crew, all our brothers and sisters from Paris to London, Melbourne to Sao Paulo, Prague to Stockholm.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Se rezolva, dar numai de umblat nu aveam chef... Haha... A fost misto, mai ales ca am fost de fata... Masina parcata... Nici macar nu eram in trafic... Futu-i... Se intampla...
Asadar mi-am petrecut o seara pilina de nervi, dar a trecut... Cred....
Caldura mare.... Mai ca ma astept ca oamenii sa se descompuna pe starad... Nu e cazul sa se transforme in zombie, dar macar sa putrezeasca mergand.... Ar fi fost ceva... Nu se va intampla....
In alta ordine de idei, concertul Anti Flag a fost ok... Cu toate ca nu am mai ascultat albume de ale trupei de multa vreme.... Nu a fost foarte multa lume, dar mi-a placut ca erau copilandri care chiar stiau piesele... A fost ok... Mie mi-au parut cam efeminati baietii, dar nu sunt i masura sa-i judec.... Iar jocul scenic a fost parca putin fortat...
In schimb am fost placut impresionat de cover "Folsom Prison Blues" al lui Johnny Cash...
Nu ma asteptam... A fost fain....
Poze de la concert nu am deocamdata...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Motorhead - Motorizer
¦¦ 01.Runaround Man 02:58
¦¦ 02.Teach You How to Sing the Blues 03:04
¦¦ 03.When the Eagle Screams 03:44
¦¦ 04.Rock Out 02:08
¦¦ 05.One Short Life 04:06
¦¦ 06.Buried Alive 03:13
¦¦ 07.English Rose 03:38
¦¦ 08.Back on the Chain 03:25
¦¦ 09.Heroes 05:00
¦¦ 10.Time is Right 03:14
¦¦ 11.The Thousand Names of God 04:33
Un nou album Motorhead....
Suna greu, greu... Incredibil cat de bine poate canta batranul Lemmy... O surpriza extrem de placuta... Recomand ascultarea acestui album din toata inima... Cu siguranta nu va dezamagi...
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Social Distortion - Prison Bound
Well, I'm goin' to a place where the tough guys go
and come out even tougher.
A place where a man don't show his feelings,
A place where a man don't cry.
Well they say I'm being punished
And they say I can be reformed
But some day I'll return.
Did they really think that
this time it would work.
You knew all along it wouldn't
Oh, I'm prison bound
I did a crime one too many times.
It's on the outskirts of town, by the railroad tracks
Where the country moon shines.
Oh, I'm prison bound
Tell my girl I'll be back one day.
Oh, I'm prison bound
I may never know any other way.
Well, they take away my freedom of expression or action
Johnny says I'll walk the line
With three hots and a cot
and a lot of talk
With lock-up, concrete, and steel.
Well it's cold and it's clammy
Man, it's colder than a pimp's heart
But I've gotta do my time
There's a lesson to be learned here
but what a price to pay.
You know, I may never learn-
Oh, I'm prison bound
I did a crime one too many times.
It's on the outskirts of town, by the railroad tracks
Where the country moon shines.
Oh, I'm prison bound
Tell my girl I'll be back one day.
Oh, I'm prison bound
I may never know any other way.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Wrecking at the DAG show...
Wrecking down at DAG ...
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Sick Boys....
Sick-boy, black leather jacket scene
Sick-boy, he's always in trouble
With the law don't ya know...
Sick-boy, he carries a switchblade knife,
Sick-boy, likes to get into fights.
Sick-boy, he'll go drinkin'
With the boys all night long.
Sick boys-ohwayoh
Sick boys-nananana
Sick boys
Sick-boy, rides a big motorbike,
Sick-boy, combs his hair up just right.
Sick-boy, with tattoos up and
Down his arms, don't ya know...
Sick-boy, he's got a girl wrapped around his arm,
Sick-boy, with his street-like charm.
Sick-boy, he'll make love to her
All night long, don't ya know...
Reach For The Sky....
I found myself not thinking twice
I never thought about no future
It's just a roll of the dice
But the day may come when you got something to lose
And just when you think you're done paying dues
You say to yourself "Dear, God What have I Done?"
And hope its not too late cause tomorrow may never come
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery
But baby right now,
It's just about you and me
You can run you can hide
Just like Bonnie and Clyde
Reach for the sky
ain't never gonna die
And I thank the Lord for the love that I have found
And hold you tight cause tomorrow may never come
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
So if you please take this moment
Try if you can to make it last
Don't think about no future
And just forget about the past
And make it last
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
(reach for the sky I ain't never going down)
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
(reach for the sky I ain't never coming down)
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
(reach for the sky I ain't never going down)
Reach for the sky cause tomorrow may never come
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Friday, June 13, 2008
she's buried in the graveyard of my scarred ole' heart...
my dear this one's for you and all the things you do
you better stop your well worn phrases right now
see, i'm running around this planet
the devil got me branded and i burned out on every stage so far
a few steps ahead from complaining and disaster
a few steps ahead and i'm ready to get faster
a few steps ahead from your day by day the same old shit
i'm dying for another trip
you're buried in the graveyard of my scarred ole' heart...
i'm under suspicion that i still care for you
but this ain't no zombie movie and my heart ain't no pet cemetery
you're just another number on my list of done mistakes
you're past.you're gone.you're life is just a fake.
a few steps...
Friday, June 6, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Wrecking with the Rezurex....
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
05.04.2008 DEU Lichtenfels 21st Satanic Stomp
08.04.2008 DEU Berlin Wild At Heart + Stellar Corpses (USA)
09.04.2008 POL Bydgoszcz Estrada + Stellar Corpses (USA)
11.04.2008 HUN Budapest Dead Cat Night No. 2 + Stellar Corpses (USA) + more!
12.04.2008 AUT Vienna Arena + Stellar Corpses (USA)
18.04.2008 GBR Weston Super Mare Hobbits Nightclub + Stellar Corpses (USA)
19.04.2008 GBR Leicester The Charlotte + Stellar Corpses (USA) + more!
20.04.2008 GBR London The Underworld + Stellar Corpses (USA)
21.04.2008 GBR Plymouth The White Rabbit + Stellar Corpses (USA)
25.04.2008 DEU Bochum Zwischenfall + Stellar Corpses (USA)
26.04.2008 DEU Solingen Fiend Force Fest @ Cobra + many international acts!
30.04.2008 DEU Kiel Hinterhof Musikclub + Highschool Nigtmare (GER) + Stellar Corpses (USA)
08.05.2008 DEU Straubing Tiefenrausch + Stellar Corpses (USA) + Out Of Luck R´n´R (GER)09.05.2008 DEU Lindau Club Vaudeville + Nigel Lewis & The Zorchmen (UK) + Stellar Corpses (USA)
10.05.2008 DEU Heilbronn Stereo Total + Stellar Corpses (USA)
12.05.2008 DEU Leipzig Live @ WGT + Stellar Corpses (USA) + many international acts!"